Hey everyone, hope you are all having a great weekend

When I started Secret Stories, I used to write them on my ipad. There is a great app I use and it is only on Apple. Traditionally I am a Windows guy as that’s the field I work in in the real word.

As I intend to write so much more, in fact have 4 more stories waiting to go, I have decided to invest in a Mac Mini so I can create stories faster and they will be longer too.

Thank you all so much for supporting me. I know I have not posted as much recently as in the past but a change in circumstances at home meant this was hard.

All that is sorted now and, with the new equipment, I’ll be back to firing on all cylinders.

Ps. If you like the Goths, the next story is going to blow your mind.

Pps. Ex-Sister in Law pt21 will be here with 36 hours